Zoom recordings have increased in popularity during these covid times. Lots of video production companies are filming testimonials and addresses to cameras over the platform. We typically recommend clients record with our team here at Key West Video, but if you want to tackle a zoom video by yourself, note a few details you should pay attention to. If you’re looking for the most optimal way to record your zoom calls, then how you set up your space, the settings you use, and how your camera is positioned all play an important part.
Your Settings
Did you know you can adjust your camera settings in Zoom to be HD? Navigate to your preferences, select the camera, and there should be a small box that allows you to be in HD as well as a sliding scale to touch up your appearance. Enabling these settings helps to up your camera quality and ensures you look your best.
Your Equipment
You don’t need extra equipment, but like with anything, there’s always a “nice to have.” If you have an external microphone, that helps amplify your audio. Potentially connecting your camera or a high-end webcam can also help enhance your quality. You need to make sure you select the appropriate inputs and outputs in the settings.
The Framing![zoom recording - rule of thirds](data:image/svg+xml;nitro-empty-id=NDEzOjMxNQ==-1;base64,PHN2ZyB2aWV3Qm94PSIwIDAgMTgwMCAxMjAwIiB3aWR0aD0iMTgwMCIgaGVpZ2h0PSIxMjAwIiB4bWxucz0iaHR0cDovL3d3dy53My5vcmcvMjAwMC9zdmciPjwvc3ZnPg==)
Whether you’re on a phone, laptop, or desktop – framing is vital for a zoom video call. Many people make the mistake of having the camera up too high, too low, or oriented incorrectly. Let me start by saying the landscape is the best way to record for your zoom video call. The best way to position your camera is at eye level. If your camera is too high, find an elevated chair or sit on top of a few pillows. If your camera is too low, make sure you put some books under it so you can get the camera to reach your eye level. Try and make use of the rule of thirds as much as possible for your framing as well!
The Lighting
Lighting can be tricky when you’re recording on zoom. If you’ve got a studio set up, then keeping the classic lighting that you use for that is just as effective virtually. If you don’t, avoid having lighting directly behind you, as this can darken your image and enhance your outline only. If you’re in front of a window, try to have blinds so that the light is soft and diffused instead of overpowering. The more concentrated the light source, the more likely you’ll get prominent streaks of light throughout your image.
Virtual videos are going to continue to be trending this year for sure. How do you feel about the zoom experience? Have you implemented zoom video marketing into your business yet? Let us know in the comments!