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Tips on Starting a Vlog

It was all about the blogging, and now it’s all about the vlogging (video blogging). Vlogging has been around for a few years now, but the increasing popularity of online videos has caused it to become more mainstream than ever before.

Why vlog and not blog? Vlogs are great option for people who want to teach or demonstrate something, while giving it a more personal touch. Vlogs are also very beneficial for businesses as it increases their SEO and gives their brand name a status on the web. Currently, there are too many poorly constructed vblogs out there, so by following these simple tips, you will automatically stand out from the crowd and look like a pro vlogger.

Here are some important vlogging tips to keep in mind.

  1. Shoot in high quality with a good camera. If that is completely out of your budget, try to get the best quality webcam and microphone. The better quality your video is, the more likely people will want to watch it.
  2. Quiet location. Editing audio can be quite difficult even for professionals, so try to find a quiet location to shoot your content.
  3. Lighting. Make sure you are in good lighting. Turn on some lights. There are so many vlogs out there which you can’t see the person’s face. Your face should always be clearly visible. If your location doesn’t have proper lights, change locations.
  4. Use a script, and Practice. Practice what you have to say. Lots of vlogs LOOK like they are unscripted (and some of them are) but the best ones out there always have a script. Do a few practice runs. Are you smiling enough, or too much? Are you moving your head too much? Or talking really fast? Make sure to look out for those things.
  5. Keep it short and simple. People don’t want to watch a 5-minute tutorial of you curling your hair when there is another vlog out there that runs for 3-minutes. Also, keep the edits simple. Add some images/captions when necessary to add more variety to your your content, just don’t go all Hollywood on it.
  6. Transcribe your video. Doing this will not only improve your SEO, but it will also allow people to watch your video in a quieter area.
  7. Give your vlog a good title. Be creative. And remember to add tags!
  8. Upload your vlog to video hosting sites like YouTube/Vimeo and all the popular social media sites, including your own blog!
  9. Keep them coming! Don’t post sporadically, post on a weekly or better yet daily basis.
  10. Talk to your followers. Don’t ignore their comments. Thank them for watching, and ask them for input on what else they would like to see in the future.

Check out our latest vlog!

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