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Periscope, Meerkat and now Blab – these apps are changing the way we broadcast and live stream video content.

We’re in an age where we’re witnessing the rise of live stream content. Periscope. Meerkat. Blab. What do these all share in common?

Well, for one, they bring high-profile, previously exclusive content in real-time to everyday users. We as consumers, viewers, and humans with a need for connection are constantly looking for ways to see what is happening in other parts of the world. We crave information and entertainment while remaining perpetually curious about how things work. With new video stream technology, we’re able to quench that thirst by getting quick, in-your-face content when we want, how we want it.

Periscope is Twitter’s latest, most successful video streaming application. The app lets users to stream activities in real-time, gives viewers access to live, behind-the-scenes events, and allows users to chime in and comment.

The Truth About Video Stream Apps

Meerkat, previously linked to Twitter’s social graph, recently turned its attention to Facebook in an attempt to appeal to users’ friends’ list and curated interests.

Blab, one of the newest rising video streaming apps on the block, made its debut sometime in 2015. Though similar in concept to Periscope, the app is unique in that it allows for users to do “group chats” with roughly 2-4 people.

It’s interesting to note how connected video streaming has become with popular social media apps. Though blab seems to act on its own, the very nature of the apps acts as a visual social media community.

We at Key West Video like to stay on top of popular video streaming trends. When it comes to live footage, streams or events we specialize in creating content that will last beyond just the online social media realm. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today!


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