Lets talk about Corporate Video Trends for 2018. Having a great quality marketing and business strategy is important for any business. The trouble with this is that things are constantly moving, evolving and changing. This is particularly true when it comes to your online strategy and use of technology or social media.
To make sure that you don’t find yourself left behind—with your competitors out ahead—you need to stay on top of the latest trends. At my business Hightower Video we know that video is something that you need to pay attention to. As an expert corporate video production company, we work with a variety of clients to make sure that their corporate video is exactly what they need it to be. Whether it is for a digital advertising campaign or a “how to” guide for their product.
An important part of our business is to make sure that we are ahead of the times, which means that we look at the latest trends. To help you, we have used our knowledge to create a rundown of the top trends that are likely to have an affect on corporate video production during 2018.
Video is popping up on more and more marketing plans
Marketing experts HubSpot understand what businesses need to do in order to make sure that their businesses get noticed, even in a crowded marketplace. It comes as no surprise that video advertising has popped up on the big trends for 2018 list.

So much so, that more businesses are planning on adding video to their approaches for 2018, with 48% looking to add YouTube and another 46% planning on including Facebook videos to their social media campaigns.
For those companies that are thinking about adding video to their strategy, there needs to be a portion of their budget assigned to this approach. However, the great news about video, is that you can always find a way to make sure that it works within your budget.
Everyone is loving live
Live video streams first started making an appearance back in 2015 with Periscope, before slowly and steadily growing in popularity. It didn’t take too long before a live video feature made an appearance on YouTube, the video giant in the modern world, along with Facebook and Instagram too.
The idea behind live videos is that they give you a great way to engage and communicate with your target audience or followers. There is a sense of personality when it comes to sharing a live video, there is nowhere to hide and your audience will enjoy seeing you “laid bare” so to speak. You can also use them as a Q and A session, answering questions as they come in. This could be themed around a particular service or product launch, or perhaps for customers to learn more about you as a brand and as a business.
It can be nerve-wracking putting together a live video, however, it really is worth being brave and going for it. Just plan what you are going to say and make sure that you are prepared to scroll through questions and answer them during the stream.
You may be surprised by just how effective a live video can be, as well as how much money it can save you.
Silence is golden
Facebook is a huge part of any marketing campaign for a business. Particularly when you are focusing on video marketing. The trouble with Facebook feeds and having videos posted on there is that they are often going to be viewed in silence. After all, the last thing a person will want is to have a video blaring out whilst they are on the train, at work or lying in bed.

Of course, if they are really interested in learning more, then they could wait until they can listen to what you have to say, but they really need to understand what you are trying to say right from the beginning.
But how can you communicate a message without any sound? There are three main things to think about and focus on for silent videos. The first is that you need to make sure that your visuals are engaging and eye-catching, as this will ensure that they continue to watch the video.
Next, it makes sense to add text to the video, the first way is to add bold text which can explain or clarify any points that you may want the viewer to know. The last thing to keep in mind is that the easiest way to make a silent video work for you is to caption it.
In doing these things, your viewers will be able to understand exactly what it is that you are trying to communicate.
Videos need to be compelling
You may not feel that you are a natural storyteller, but if you want your video to be a success then you are going to need to brush up on these skills. A compelling, well-told story is going to be a success. It may seem that you don’t have a story, but if you think deeply then you will soon come up with something that is going to appeal and resonate with your audience.
Why not tell the story of one of your employees, highlighting why they are so important to your business? Or perhaps show the everyday tasks that you carry out as a business. You could also share about the successes of your clients, perhaps highlighting how you may have played a part in this. You could even share more information about recent charity work that you have completed, showing how you give back.
The most important corporate video trend is that they also need to be of the highest quality
The final thing to remember about video is that quality never goes off trend. Consumers are expecting more and more from companies, which means that a shoddy video is unlikely to make a good impression.
Quality is key, even for the shortest videos, so this means that you need to pay attention to how a video is going to look to your audience.
Corporate video production is an important thing to get right, so make the effort to learn more about video and how it can work for you. Hopefully these corporate video trends gave you an idea. Not sure that you know where to start? Want to make sure that you have the best quality possible? A great place to start would be here with my friends at Key West Video!