It’s spring! Even though we’re still waiting on warmer temperatures here in Toronto, we’re looking forward to getting outside. Here are some of the things we keep in mind when it comes to outdoor videos.
Natural Lighting
One advantage of shooting video outside is being able to use nature’s lighting kit, the sun! Natural light has a unique quality and an infinite charge on a sunny day. There are ways to use the sun to your advantage to avoid squinting talent or a blown-out shot.

The best way to harness the power of the sun is to use filters. A polarizing filter is the single most important filter when shooting outdoors. It’s used to cut glare when shooting through a car window, and can also be used to reduce reflection on wet or metallic surfaces. For bright outdoor shoots, it’s important to use a neutral-density (ND) filter. This piece of equipment helps maintain proper exposure, resulting in consistent-looking footage.

If you’re going to shoot outside, try to take advantage of the golden hour or magic hour. In photography, this term refers to the times when the sun is closer to the horizon and the light has a softer and warmer quality. It may be hard to get up early for a sunrise or stay late for a sunset, but the footage will be worth the effort!
Weather Ruins More Than Picnics
The most obvious consideration when planning an outdoor shoot is the weather. Check the forecast as close to the shoot time as possible and then prepare for the worst. Wind can affect audio; and rain, heat and cold can affect gear operation. We use protection like rain jackets and sturdy soft bags to protect cameras and keep the shoot going even if we encounter inclement weather.
Key West Video always shows up to a shoot with lots of accessories. Cables, microphones and poles are part of our audio kit. Video accessories include lenses, batteries and memory cards. We pack everything we know we’ll need, everything we think we could need and back-ups in case of an emergency. Shooting outside generally means we don’t have quick access to the kind of resources we’d have indoors, so it’s important to think of anything and everything.
Be Prepared
Just like the Scout motto implores, be prepared. Along with the accessories, we also bring the kinds of extras that can be used in a pinch. Multi-tools loosen, tighten and pry. Duct tape has long been a go-to implement in almost any situation. Lens cleaners are essential because nothing ruins a beautiful shot like a dirty camera lens.
When shooting outdoors, one important thing to remember is permits. Prior to shoot day, we look into whether or not we’ll need a permit for our scouted locations. This is the first step because planning a shoot without knowing whether you’ll be able to use the location is a waste of time and money.
Recruit a Pro
If your corporate video could make use of an outdoor setting, give us a call. Key West Video makes sure you have everything necessary to make your production sparkle in the sun.