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The Power of Stock Music in Corporate Video

Top 5 Reasons why you should use Stock Music.

Adding music to your video can instantaneously enhance it. It can suddenly bring your video to a more superior level of production. Its purpose is usually to set the mood of the piece but it can also do a number of other things such as highlight a certain section of the narrative, help to identify a location or portray a specific message. If done right, music can invoke a certain emotion from your audience which could drive them in the direction you want.

So now that you know that music is a must when it comes to Corporate Videos, what exactly are the differences between using stock music vs licensed music?

Everyone wants that new hit song on the radio by (insert favorite song here) or a popular classic song in their video. But after reading the 5 reasons below, I’m sure you will agree that stock music is the only way to go.

  1. Price. It could end up costing you over thousands and thousands of dollars, which could eventually cost you more than the total amount of the video production cost itself. When it comes to stock music, you pay a one-time fee—and usually that fee is around $150 dollars, which isn’t bad when you compare that to a couple thousand dollars.
  2. Time. For non-royalty free music it takes time, and a small army of lawyers. The length of time it takes to get that song through all the copyright laws, lawyers and paperwork you could have already been finished shooting your video way long before, and missed out on the opportunity of airing it at that specified time planned.
  3. You can use stock music forever. You originally bought it for that specific video, but now you want to use it for perhaps another project? And another project after that one? You can! The possibilities here are endless.  This differs from licensed music, because once you purchased it you can only use it for THAT specific project outlined in your contract.
  4. Copyright Issues. When you have your heart set on a certain song, it becomes even more stressful when you find out that the song isn’t even up for licensing. You won’t get that specific song when you stick to stock music, but you will have a wide range of music to pick from –and avoid all the copyright issues.
  5. Headaches. When it comes to licensed music,  there are tons of grey areas on whether you have to pay royalties in certain situations. For instance, if you use their music in a YouTube video, but run advertisements through that platform? That could be deemed commercial use of the song even if it is a video of your daughter walking for the first time.  When it comes to stock music, everything is basically all pre-set (the price, the recording etc). So, by sticking to stock music, you will be able to avoid all the headaches associated with using licensed music.

Here at Keywest we have vast selection of stock music to choose from. When it comes to any type of video which it be training, promo, product, company profiles, testimonials etc we have the right stock music that will fit your video.

Keywest Video Inc- Corporate Video Blog- The Power of Stock Music in Corporate Video


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