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second screen

When you settle in to watch a tv show or movie, what do you have within arm’s reach? The remote? A beverage? A salty snack? What about your phone, tablet or laptop? We have to admit that all three are close at hand while our tv is on, and we’re not alone. An Accenture report showed that 87% of people worldwide use a second screen while watching tv.

Two Screens are Better Than One

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We’re doing more than just watching a movie

A second screen, also known as a companion device, is what most of us use to enhance our television-watching experience. Here are a few examples:

  • You’re watching a movie and you need to know who’s playing the sheriff. Hello, IMDB app.
  • That commercial has a familiar song, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Time to consult Shazam!
  • The NHL game you’re watching is engaging, but you want to check the scores of the other games.
  • The Oscars are on and you have a lot to say about that last speech. Live tweet your reaction, and see what others are saying.
  • You’re pulling up the festival, pizza offer or new game you just saw advertised.
  • Let’s be honest: not all of us are using a second screen in a related way. Some of us are just looking at Facebook, checking Instagram or reading an email from Mom.

Good for Business? Or Bad for Business?

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Take advantage of second screens and profit

Does a second screen add to our experience, or is it distracting us from the first screen? A study out of Austria concluded that when advertising is shown simultaneously on a tv and a mobile device, brand recognition grows.
If a business can take advantage of the second screen, it can pay off.

  • Broadcasters that engage with second screen viewers can monetize that reach with advertisers. Have you ever voted during a reality tv competition? We bet you saw an ad when you logged on.
  • Twitter has some tips to help you connect with the second screen audience.
  • Companies are targeting the second screen by jumping in on the conversations that happen during Super Bowl, the Oscars and popular tv shows.
  • There’s some eavesdropping going on. Online feedback is generally pretty honest—often brutally so. Feedback can provide direction and even brand stories.

Active Vs. Passive Viewing

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Watching tv alone is suddenly social

Twitter and Facebook are the modern-day water cooler. With social television, you don’t have to wait until work tomorrow to hash out what happened last night. Suddenly, watching tv alone in your darkened living room has become a social activity. You have the chance to engage with your peers, discussing and sharing opinions on everything from that last goal to this season’s best singer.

Ranking the Second Screen

Research shows that 70% of us are watching something other than the tv:

  • Smartphone 51%
  • Laptop 44%
  • Desktop 29%
  • Tablet 25%

All Screens

The next time you’re watching tv, pay attention to your viewing habits. Are you also scrolling through your phone or do you have your tablet in hand? Think about the things that compel you to turn to a second screen. If you’re a business owner, how could you use this impulse to connect with your clients? From commercials to social media videos, we can help you capture the attention of your target market. Call Key West Video today for a free quote.

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