

Key West Video Announced as a 2022 National and Local Excellence Award Winner by UpCity!

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Many times, we find that our corporate video clients prefer to do their own scriptwriting. This is merely because they know their product and service better than anyone else (also, it can lower the overall video cost if done in-house). However, once we receive our clients’ scripts, we tend to make a few changes and make them more “video-friendly”.

Corporate video scriptwriting can be a little tricky at times because many of us are accustomed to writing for readers. Once you add in a visual element, you’ve got much more room to play with and in some cases, writers aren’t aware of exactly how to maximize this and capitalize on the added visuals.

When scriptwriting for your next corporate video, keep these factors in mind: know your audience, visualize, and keep it short.

Know Your Audience
This step involves a bit of research, but if you’re already well versed in the workings of your company, it shouldn’t take too much effort. Before you begin scriptwriting for your corporate video, you need to know whom you’re writing for. Identify your target market and audience and find out how it is they absorb their information. You’re going to want to communicate them on a level that they’re accustomed to.

When scriptwriting for your video, it is incredibly helpful to keep your visuals in mind as you write. You’re going to want to make sure that the visual elements you want to include are doable, in budget, appealing, and understandable for your audience. It is much easier to write with the visuals in mind, rather than spending time trying to conjure up images once the script is already written.

Keep it Short
Your audience’s attention span is constantly dwindling, so you’re wasting time (and money) if your corporate video is too long. Keeping your video under 90 seconds is advisable.

Corporate video scriptwriting can be a challenge, but it’s advisable to research your target market, write with visuals in mind, and keep it short. If you follow these simple guidelines, you’ll be scriptwriting in no time.

If you’re interested in #CorporateVideo #Scriptwriting, contact Keywest today!

Scriptwriting for Corporate Video

Check out these links for more information:

How to write a video script

ABC Copywriting (I am highly entertained by their slider)

Scriptwriting Infographic

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