They say that any publicity is good publicity – but is that really true? Here we take a look at how negative feedback can affect a brand.
Negative feedback can have a huge impact on your brand. Whether it’s for the better or worse, the public responding to your brand and corporate video might just be the best thing that can happen to you.
What’s that you say? Negative feedback can be…*gulp* a good thing?

Well, consider our current corporate video climate. Budweiser recently a corporate video ad campaign featuring an immigrant’s story to America. Given the current political landscape we’re in, it undoubtedly caught the attention of customers and haters alike. The ad quickly went viral, and as anti-immigration supporters took to Twitter to vent and boycott the brand, the responses were almost laughable. Most anti-Budweiser protests were quickly turned into a mockery when anti-immigration supporters misspelled the brand’s name, showing the ignorance behind hating such a meaningful campaign.
What was negative flack quickly turned into a win for Budweiser. Limited PR needed.
But, this is not always the case. There aren’t always ‘wins’ for brands who spark fiery, controversial debates online.
One benefit of receiving negative feedback from an ad campaign is the affirmation that audiences are paying attention to your content. Mainstream bad publicity means you’re getting publicity regardless. Depending on the nature of your content, it will at the very least garner attention from those who may not have interacted with your brand otherwise.
Once you’re rest assured that an audience is now paying attention to you, you’ve got the floor. This is the moment that really counts. You’ve now got an opportunity with several options on how to move forward. Depending on the nature of the campaign, you can apologize, explain your company’s stance, or say nothing (with the latter often being the most destructive option). If you decide to publicly state nothing, however, your best best is to channel that negativity into another ad campaign – this time to repair the damage/counter your previous content.
Here at Key West Video, we specialize in creating dynamic video content for our clients. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!
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