

Key West Video Announced as a 2022 National and Local Excellence Award Winner by UpCity!

studio shoot

This week’s video blog discusses the benefits of professional production quality.

Technology has changed the landscape of video production. We are now at a point where it’s easy for a company to make their own corporate videos for social media use. Most portable devices such as an iPhone, have HD video cameras, and sites like YouTube and Vimeo make hosting and embedding easy. So you might wonder why anyone would hire a production company to produce corporate videos for their business.

For starters, HD is actually a very ambiguous term. While a $400 point and shoot camera and a $10,000 DSLR may both film in high definition, professional video cameras have superior image processing and color rendering capabilities. This becomes extremely evident under direct comparison with those consumer products.

And even though the type of camera used is extremely significant when it comes to image quality, possibly even more important than the camera itself, is professional lighting equipment. As well as the skills needed to use it effectively.

This level of production quality will impress, and impart a sense of professionalism to your potential clients.

Want to take it a step further? Multiple cameras really help when it comes to seamless dialogue edits… sorry can we take that line again? Multiple cameras really help when it comes to seamless dialogue edits and can be very useful when filming larger scripts.

No matter how simple or complex your project is, a professionally produced video leaves viewers focused on your message, and not distracted by quality issues.

Professional Production

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