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Should Your Corporate Video Campaign Align With Pop Culture?

Paying attention to pop culture might be more advantageous than you think – regardless of what your brand is.

Pop culture is so much more than popular trends and hair tutorials. It is often the thing that drives our society. It is at the forefront of how we live. And whether you like it or not, it is everywhere.

 Should Your Corporate Video Campaign Align With Pop Culture?
Photo credit: PatLoika via / CC BY

With corporate companies that don’t typically cater to popular culture, this poses a specific problem. How can a company outside of a pop demographic broaden their audience? Will it be too obviously selling out? How can the transition be made seamlessly?

In other words, how can popular culture fit into my brand?

Well, one way to approach this question is to understand who or what you represent. How can you diversify your customer base with your current products or services? It starts by acknowledging and understanding current social trends. This goes especially for marketing. You need to understand why a certain trend starts and how it gains popularity. You also must understand who it revolves around: teens, young adults, older folk etc.

Pop culture also provides companies the opportunity to stay relevant. By coinciding with popular media or trends, it shows its customers that it’s paying attention. It also shows customers that it cares about what they care about and humanizes the brand. This is essential for building a younger audience…especially on social media.

Pop culture in a corporate campaign can mean the difference between grabbing an audience’s attention and risk being forgotten in the mix. It’s an opportunity to capitalize on something that is of public interest. Whether it’s making a referential tweet, posting a response photo on Instagram, or shooting a quick two-minute video, aligning your campaign video with pop culture can do you no wrong.

Here at Key West Video, we specialize in creating compelling visual content. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today.

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