In case you didn’t already know, online review videos make the world go ’round.
Review videos are often the go-to for information, especially in the science and tech world. For corporate companies with products or services deeply entrenched in technology, this is a huge opportunity.
A lot of review videos are on YouTube. Unsurprisingly, the primary audience for new technological information can is there, too.
Whether you’re a tech company or not, there are specific lessons to be learned from review videos that can be used by all corporate companies.

We’ve already highlighted that most online reviews have substantial, tech-savvy audiences. Cutting-edge new and innovative tech attracts a younger, more tech-savvy audience. For companies looking to market their content in the form of reviews, it’s best to go to where your audience is.
One smart thing companies can do; is work with popular YouTube reviewers for more publicity. It’s no secret that YouTubers are often paid or sponsored by various companies to cover their products. Reaching out to a popular reviewer to include your product in their video isn’t something to be horrible. It’s a great strategy to publicize your brand. Embrace it.
The main focus of reviews is to talk about the viability, functionality, aesthetics, and overall prospect of a product. Reviews compare the product to something close to its kind in terms of popularity, durability, relevance, and timing in the market. But these can also vary and can show off the reviewer’s personality to differentiate him or herself from all the others. It’s as simple as how thoroughly discussed a product is to the overall energy/pacing of the video. Typically, they are light-hearted and easy enough for the average person to follow, making them an excellent example for a corporate video.
Honesty in Reviews
Reviews are also widely regarded for their honesty. Likewise, a corporate video should feel honest and trustworthy. Viewers don’t like a sell based on compromised information. Reviews are refreshing because they provide a realistic evaluation of a product or service. Follow suit.
Here at Key West Video, we learn from all avenues of the video to generate new and innovative corporate video. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!
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