Workshops! Here at Key West Video Inc., we offer a myriad of services to our corporate clients. From post-production to speciality services like voice dubbing, our goal is to give our clients the best in corporate video production.

But now we’ve expanded our services to better accommodate you. How, you might ask? Workshops. Key West Video Inc. now offers two different types of workshops for our clients and customers: acting and production.

Acting Workshops

We’ve broken our acting workshops into multiple parts:

Part I: The Fundamentals of Auditioning for Camera:

With roughly 8-10 class participants, Marvin Karon is an acting coach who brings almost 20 years of experience to the table. This acting class is for upcoming actors who are already on the road to a professional acting career and looking to move up from the actor level or small principal roles to larger parts.

Through this class, participants learn how to understand the technicalities behind acting. Participants are also taught how to make emotional adjustments and develop intimacy with the camera.

Part II: Advanced Audition Technique

In the second part of the class, we offer participants in the workshops a more in-depth learning session. Through this class, we offer insight into some of the following:

  • Finding A Character
  • How to Score A Scene
  • Finding the Tempo and Rhythm in a Scene
  • How to Find the Connectives Between the Beats in a Scene
  • Establishing relationships
  • Exploring the idea of “losing yourself” in the scene
  • How to respond more quickly and fully to direction
  • Call backs: What you want to do differently; what you don’t want to do differently

Check out more details for the workshop here!

Scene Study Fundamentals

Never underestimate an individual scene. A single scene is pivotal in a film or television show, and for actors, it is especially important to know how they can bring value to the big screen. Our class also offers scene analysis; this means identifying key factors in what makes a scene “work” based on the direction and emotional intelligence of the actor. It will also teach aspiring professionals how to make interesting, compelling choices to enhance the effectiveness of their work.

Advanced Scene Study

For the intermediate actor, this workshop is for the more experienced actor with at least some professional credits to their name. This class incorporates compelling and challenging content from feature films and TV shows as source material to reference from. By this, students will learn what works in a particular scene and how to enrich their acting through the use of dialogue, body language and emotion.

Master Class

This class is for those who have worked with instructor Marvin Karon in the past. With less of an emphasis on the craft of acting, it focuses on the pressures of performing on a professional set.

Production Services

Key West Video Is Now Offering Workshops!

Key West Video is also providing production services for those interested in video production. We offer a variety of classes including:

Lighting and Camera Techniques: Interviews and Green Screen

A relatively small class of 5 participants, eager learners learn how to set up documentary and corporate video interview in a 6-hour session. Participants will gain knowledge and experience in professional lighting, audio equipment and camera operation. They will also learn the difference between practical and green screen backgrounds, and how to properly equip for both.

DJI Ronin 3 Axis Gimbal: Basic Setup and Operation

This class is all about the technical. After setting up the system with two different camera configurations, participants will rotate crew positions, (Camera Operator, Remote Operator, Spotter, Talent) and will work with the Ronin and a walking subject.

Photography Basics

This class focuses on the most basic elements of photography: aperture, shutter speed, focal length, format (Sensor size), and colour temperature. In a 6-hour session, participants will exercise their newfound knowledge in a controlled studio setting with an industry-standard DSLR.

Photoshop Essentials

This 6-hour workshop will begin by discussing differences between raw camera files such as .CR2 versus more compressed files like .jpg and how they compare during the post production workflow.

For more information on our other services, visit the Key West Video website today!


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