NBA knows exactly how to get into the Christmas spirit with this rendition of Jingle Bells.
With over 6 million views in under a week, the NBA’s latest promotional video has taken the internet by storm. This cute and entertaining “Jingle Hoops” video, intended to promote this year’s line of special edition jerseys and the annual NBA Christmas day game, went viral in just a few days.
The 30-second video features NBA stars Kevin Durant, Stephen Curry, Derrick Rose, Steve Nash, James Harden, and of course MVP LeBron James. Each athlete fires a three-pointer into the bell-ridden basket with such impeccable timing that it creates the Jingle Bells harmony. Of course, at the very end, LeBron flies in with a slam dunk to finish it off. Check out the video below:
While some may believe that the NBA video demonstrates the pure talent exhibited by the basketball superstars, others are questioning its authenticity. And for good reason…
According to The Blaze:
“The odds on five players making all of those shots, in order and in sequence are astronomical. We liked the ad and were entertained by it, but also suspected that some cinema magic might have been used to create the promo.”
It turns out that the critics were right and instead of trying to hide it, the NBA also capitalizes on the views that are generated from the “Behind the Scenes” video:
The NBA sure knows how to direct attention to their product… just in time for the holiday season 🙂
Tell Key West Video what you thought of this video! Did you think it was real?