Every production is different, but on average, our crew consists of a Director of Photography, a Producer, and when warranted, a Grip or Production Assistant.
Keywest is corporate video production company located in downtown Toronto. Some of our clients request a small #crew on video shoots in order to not only cut costs, but also minimize distraction during the work day (when shooting at their offices). As a result, we’ve learned to adapt and will occasionally shrink our crew size to meet our clients’ need without sacrificing production value. The following role descriptions outline those that we find most valuable on set and why they are needed in order to make your production a success.

Director of Photography
It’s important that someone on set has a good technical vision of the project. The Director of Photography is responsible for focusing on the visual aesthetic of the production. Their role includes making decisions on the following:
- Angles, height, movement within the shot
- Framing
- Background/set
- Length of shot
- Actions of on-screen talent
- Lighting techniques/style
Since the Director of Photography is responsible for the presentation, the Producer focuses mainly on the content. Their role begins in pre-production, working with the client to develop and finalize concepts, scripts, storyboards, and shot-lists (when needed). Once concept development is complete, producers begin scheduling and seeing to locations, talent, additional crew, etc. This allows them to be the person on set responsible for the coordination, timing, and ensuring all content requirements are met. As well, when it comes to interviews, the producer will focus on acquiring the correct response and delivery from the subjects.
Grip/Production Assistant
Having a grip on set can ease the stress of the production and help to ensure that everything flows smoothly. Besides helping with equipment, setup, and teardown, the grip’s main focus is helping the Director of Photography meet their vision for the production. In addition, a grip can also help with miscellaneous tasks, much like a Production Assistant would on a larger set.
Keywest is always working towards ensuring that we fit the needs of a wide variety of clients. We work with all kinds of companies, ranging from start-ups to multinational corporations, and are able to flawlessly integrate our team into your video production goals.