Ah, December, holiday season. The time when holiday lights turn cities into kaleidoscopes, wreaths appear on front doors, and everyone seems to get in the spirit of the season. Due to the global pandemic, this year has been difficult for all of us. But with the end of 2020 in sight, there are reasons to feel hopeful about a new year. In the final month of 2019, how can you use video to celebrate the season? We have some ideas.
Holiday Greeting
The most obvious way to use video at this time of year is to produce a holiday greeting. You’ll see many other business doing the same because they know it’s a great way to show some personality and create awareness. A simple branded animation can go a long way. And why not translate your video into various languages so that you speak to a larger customer base? Along the same lines, you can recognize the various holidays people will be observing this month. Now take that video and add it to the front page of your website this December, attached it to your monthly newsletter, or post it on social media.
Promote a Holiday Sale
People are doing their holiday shopping online in record numbers this year. Don’t miss an opportunity to let people know about your products and services. If you have COVID-friendly options, be sure to highlight them. Use video to talk about things like curb-side pick-up and free shipping, options that have become a priority in 2019.
Highlight a Charity
Is your business involved with a charity? Many companies like to put a spotlight on donations during December. Promote a cause that’s near and dear to you, encouraging your audience to also contribute. Spread the good feelings and generous spirit of the season with a video that highlights your chosen charity. Check out the holiday giving message our animators created for client Tattoo Projects.
Reward Loyal Customers
While many businesses have struggled this year, others have been well-suited to the changes we’ve all experienced. If you’re one of the lucky ones, why not let your customers know you value them? Create a video to send to the people who have supported you this year and tell them about exclusive deals. It’s a great way to engage with your clients and show them that you care. We bet they’ll repay you with continued loyalty.
Focus on the Crew
For a personal touch, put the spotlight on your staff this December. Make a video that’s a forum for the crew to send a greeting to customers. Maybe that could involve sharing a favourite holiday memory or tradition? Whatever gives viewers a chance to know the people behind your business a little better. This kind of personal message helps create trust in your business.

Good Tidings
These are just a few ways video can help your business mark the end of the year and look ahead to 2020. Whatever you’re celebrating this December, we’re here to help you connect with your customers. Visit our website to take advantage of a free quote for your holiday video.