May your troubles be less and your blessings be more. And nothing but happiness come through your door.
-Irish Blessing
They say everybody’s Irish on March 17. If that’s true, tomorrow is a day to celebrate! But this blog is about more than just St. Patrick’s Day. It’s an exploration of how using holiday marketing themes is a great way to attract new customers and provide incentives for repeat business.
Marketing 101
Holidays are a great excuse for a sale. Obviously, December is a time when consumers are out in droves and Christmas is a targetted selling time for most retailers. Other major holidays bring more sales. Store flyers abound from Thanksgiving to Mother’s Day to Canada Day.

It makes sense to use a holiday for marketing. Almost any business can connect their product or service to one of the major observances—flowers are on sale at the supermarket on Secretary’s Day. Alternately, an office supply store could have a Victoria Day sale with no further explanation needed. We’d like to see a business make a cheeky generic sales video and insert various holiday names throughout the year.
Find Your Special Day
There are national holidays, days and months to celebrate just about anything and everything. Pick one that relates to your business and use it to your advantage. Here are some examples:

- International Coffee Day and Espresso Day for coffee shops
- Cat Day, Turtle Day and Pet Day for pet stores
- Restaurants could celebrate almost daily from No Dirty Dishes Day in May to Fast Food Day in November
- Client’s Day works for everyone with a customer base
You could also try choosing an obscure day as a way to differentiate yourself and maybe make someone smile. Why not hand out treats on Ice Cream Sandwich Day (August 2) at your business? We’d show up somewhere and listen to a pitch if ice cream was part of the deal!
Hashtag Holiday

Whatever holidays you’re observing this year, recognize the event on social media. Post pictures of employees wearing themed shirts or hats. Show the office decorated for the occasion. Promote your business by using hashtags that are holiday-specific and drive searches to your website.
World Television Day
At Key West Video, we like to celebrate as often as possible. Whether it’s World Television Day (November 21), Community Media Day (October 20) or just Wednesday, we’re here to help you make the most of your business through video. Call us today for a free quote.