Free-Them is an initiative that is dedicated to raising awareness and funds to abolish global human trafficking the modern slave trade.
A large part of their message is emphasizing that slavery is a contemporary issue. Not only does slavery still exist, but there are more people in slavery than ever before in history.
Free-Them is holding their 5th Annual Freedom Walk in downtown Toronto on September 27th.
Keywest Video has partnered with Free-Them to produce a PSA for the walk event. Free-Them founder, Shae Invidiata collaborated with our camera team to design a haunting visual that echoed one of Free-Them’s previous viral graphics campaigns.
This shoot involved a single camera setup and rotating actors. This presented a unique challenge when it came to editing the piece. Similar shots, or shots from the same angle, are often jarring when they are cut together. This challenge was addressed at every step of the production, to ensure that the transitions were smooth. A panning key light over the actor’s face, helped “bookend” each shot, preparing it for a transition. That, combined with practical fog on set, and some additional fog effects added in the editing process really helped free the shot from any visual “anchors” in the background, easing the progression from one shot to the next.
Another important aspect of this PSA is its unique colour correction. In corporate video production, colour correction is often used to help “normalize” a shot’s hues, white balance and saturation. In this case, it was used to accentuate the mood of the piece.

As you can see in this side-by-side comparison, we wanted to make the image seem colder and darker. The blue hues are intended to give the audience a feeling that the character might be outside in the moonlight and the de-saturating the image helped to pull back the warm colours in the skin tones, giving it a more uniform tone. You can read more about dramatic colour theory for cinematographers at
You can find more information, or register for the walk in the event section of the #FreeThem website. The 5th Annual Freedom Walk (#FreedomWalk2014) is presented by the Fairmont Royal York and the walk itself starts at the Fairmont Royal York Toronto on September 27th.