Etiquette while #OnSet is sometimes overlooked. #Please and #ThankYou are a given, but there is a lot more to how one should conduct themselves while onset. Whether you are part of the #Cast or #Crew or just visiting someone, there is a protocol you should follow, known as “Set Etiquette”.
When entering, check above or on the door for instructions as to where to go. Be sure to check if entering is even possible as filming may be in progress. Often there will be a device signalling this, such as a #RedLight. Only enter when appropriate. You do not want to enter while they are filming and disturb the filmmaking process.
Not a good way to start off!
The moment you walk “onset”, which means the location, you should begin “practicing” your set etiquette. You should remain calm and quiet. No need to alert the media of your arrival. Just be sure you are #OnTime and #Prepared for your #Role or #Job that day. Often there will be a clearly labeled area where you should “sign-in”. Do so and then wait for further instruction.
As an #Actor or #Talent there will be times you may need clarification or instruction and there are #ProductionAssistants assigned to assist you during those time. Do not disturb the #Director! Think of it as a #FoodChain. They are at the top and you are at the bottom and to connect with them you have to go through levels/channels. The appropriate people will speak directly to the appropriate people and that chain reaction begins with YOU!
According to the word “Etiquette” is described as, “the code of ethical behavior regarding professional practice or action among the members of a profession in their dealings with each other” Here is a perfect example of how not to handle any issues that come up while on set, as an actor or crew:
The 2009 #ChristianBale #Rant on the set of #TerminatorSalvation is well-known as of now and is inexcusable. His treatment of #DirectorOfPhotography #ShaneHurlbut was one that caused a lot of #Controversy prior to the films release ( This is not even close to what etiquette is.
A #Brilliant example of set etiquette, as an actor or crew can be found in the #ProductionNotes of the timeless classic #ItsAWonderfulLife.
In 1946 #FrankCapra released his holiday masterpiece starring #JimmyStewart and #ThomasMitchell. While filming one of their scenes where Mitchell’s character #UncleBilly is intoxicated and staggers out of the shot a #CrewMember accidentally drops some of his equipment and it smashes and almost ruins the scene, but in all their glory and brilliance, Mitchell, Stewart and Capra not only keep filming, but #Improv the scene as well. Staying #InCharacter and playing off each other as great #ImprovisationalActors do, Mitchell pretends as if Uncle Billy crashed into garbage cans in a #DrunkenStooper. Mitchell barks from #OffCamera, “I’m all right! I’m allllllll right!” and Stewart chuckles. Capra kept that in the final film, which can be scene 38 minutes in, and even awarded the “clumsy” #StageHand $10.00 for his contribution to the films sound quality ( That is how a #Professional handles those types of situations!
Be sure to keep your area clean and tidy at all times. Clean up any mess you make, whether on #Standby or #OnBreak. Also, be nice and treat everyone equally! Sounds easy, but often people forget the simplest of things! Everyone should get your praise, respect and Patience! From the #Doorman to the #Producer! The better impression you make and the more professional and easy to work with you are, the higher likely hood you will be asked back/thought of in the future or quite possibly given a larger role in the production if one becomes available!
In your case, attitude is everything! Make them want to work with you. Once you are #Hired you are not “safe”. You need to keep showing them why they should be so thrilled they brought you onto their project!
As a crew member, it is important to be alert and pay close attention to instruction. If you notice something is wrong, incorrect, unsafe, or simply not working, it is okay to speak up and voice your concerns in a polite way. In fact, it shows #Initiative and #Skill.
The number one thing is #Communication. Be ready to say if something works or doesn’t.
For both cast and crew its a rather long day, often enough, so be prepared for several #Takes. And bring a #Book, #iPod, or something to keep you busy during breaks. There will be a #CraftTable set up by #CraftServices, but you can always bring a #Thermos with #Coffee, #Tea or #FruitJuice as well as some disposable snacks. It’s always great to do this if you have any #Allergies or DietaryConcerns. #BetterSafeThanSorry.
Now that you know what set etiquette entails you are ready to begin your job. Just keep these easy points in mind and you will be a great #Success!
See you on set.
And you’re welcome.