Video has the power to connect with an audience on an emotional level. Sometimes companies are afraid to show emotion in their videos, but doing so is denying opportunity. Marketing needs to be more innovative and engaging than ever before to cut through the noise of so much content bombarding us on a daily basis. Try watching this ad, the most shared of all time, to experience video’s emotional appeal.
Leave a Lasting Impression
An emotional connection will make your audience remember your video and your message. A recruitment video that talks only about the company itself is not as engaging as one that shows some emotion. Try including testimonials from employees or clients. When somebody talks about their personal experience with your company or product, it rings true.

Using emotion in a video doesn’t mean forgoing product benefits for the sake of human connection. It’s possible to talk about what makes your business a great choice by using an example that’s more than just a list of assets.
For example, a company that sells tires could opt for an ad that tells a story. Imagine seeing a kid headed to college shopping for tires with his father. The father wants to send his son out into the world knowing he’s safe and prepared. The two have a moment. Within that story is the service provided by the company: the range of products, good customer service, competitive pricing. Overall, the viewer remembers the warm feeling they took away from the ad and they’ll associate it with the tire company.
Real Companies Show Emotion
Corporate videos sometimes have a reputation for being dull and driven only by talking heads. Break that stereotype with a video that connects with the viewer emotionally. Interview a customer about their positive experience or tell the origin story of your business. Why not show your employees engaged in charity work? We can help you find the emotional angle that will show viewers why your business is different and worthy of their support. Call us today for a free quote.
This article was originally posted in 2011 and updated for accuracy and content.