Digital Golf Coach Case Study
Digital Golf Coach (DGC) is an innovative product that helps golfers improve their swing. It is a digital device that attaches onto an individuals club and collects data on their speed and accuracy which helps them analyze their performance. The CEO of DGC Michael Van Hunnik was looking for a corporate video to highlight his cutting edge product.
One consideration was the fact that this product would be utilized by golf trainers as well as individual golfers, and they would thus be using the product in a slightly different way. This meant that a video created with one of those target markets in mind, would not address the other target markets needs.
Another important aspect of this project was the fact that this was a brand new product, which needed to be introduced to the market. Breaking into the Canadian marketplace can be a difficult task especially if the product is something that no one has heard of before. So we needed to ensure the videos would be interesting while also really communicating the key message, which was how greatly the Digital Golf Coach could improve performance.
Lastly, there is another element that comes into play when promoting the benefits of a new product, and that is the fact that this device is complicated to try to explain in a short time frame. It is a device in which you can analyze multiple aspects of your swing performance, as well as upload the information to a computer to later compare with your own or friends performances. The fact that it is multifaceted and can help golfers at all levels with a variety of functions, proves to be difficult when trying to simply explain in a limited time span.
The fact that regular golf fans, and professional golf trainers would be utilizing this product for separate needs was something that Michael our client was aware of, and wanted to differentiate through producing two separate videos aimed at each market. Therefore it was decided that it was necessary to create a video with a professional golfer explaining to individual golfers how to best make use of the DGC for their advantage. While another video aimed at golf trainers was made to address the products ability to aid in teaching people to golf as well.
Creating a video which showcases what the product is and how it can be used is integral for this type of situation. This required a close working relationship with Michael Van Hunnik, to ensure that his marketing points were being met, while also highlighting the product in a visually engaging fashion. As everyone knows, products that have strong visual accompaniment in their marketing initiatives sell better than those without. But that is even more so the case if that visual engagement is well received. Creating compelling content that a golf fan could not look away from, was the target goal of this project.
The fact that this product had many functions for different purposes is a great benefit for customers, but proves to be difficult to explain in a short video. Therefore one of the key aspects that we took part in, was taking the time to understand the product and all of its facets so we could effectively communicate the benefits of the DGC and how best to utilize it for each individuals needs. Having a great client who is easy to work with and aids in the process did not hurt either!
Check out one of the videos we produced for Digital Golf Coach below, and a quote from Michael Van Hunnik!
“There is not much you can tell about Key West, YOU GOTTA TALK TO THEM & SEE IT! True professionals guiding you from start to finish, experienced and never ending until you are satisfied. Just a pleasure to work with all of you! A big thanks to the team of Key West, and we will continue to work with them on our next projects”.
-Michael Van Hunnik
Digital Golf Coach Pro
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