Are corporate video costs worth what you’ll get out of it? Yes! But I understand you may consider our opinion biased, so here are some indisputable facts to support corporate video.
Corporate Video Costs: Just the Facts:

A video is seven times more likely to get shared than a link on Facebook. You heard us right. Seven. Times. Let followers spread the word about your phenomenal business by sharing what you post. Whether it’s a video about branding, an explainer or a client testimonial, the more views, the better.
Video boosts SEO. If you want your website to rank better in searches, make sure you have some video content. CTR increases on a site that includes video. This type of content is more engaging for visitors, which means they stay longer and, as mentioned above, they share what they’ve seen. Place a video on your landing page and you may double client conversion rate. The corporate video costs involved will save you time and money for your SEO.
Make Money, Save Money
Making video part of your marketing strategy enables you to both make and save money. Use a video to promote a product or service through a demo or presentation. Announce the release of a new product by sending a link to your mailing list or by placing the video front-and-center on your landing page. Make a video loop to use at a trade show; this can act as an extra salesperson when you’re busy, attract attention and give valuable information.

Using video as an internal-facing tool can make a difference when it comes to the bottom line. Record a training or safety video and create a resource that can be viewed and reviewed by countless employees. Impart vital company information with a recorded message and avoid costly travel. Get your workers, no matter where they are, up to speed on the latest products with video demonstrations. Use video in place of in-person lectures, presentations, and meetings and send the link to employees wherever they work.
When the end of your fiscal year arrives, claim video as a tax write-off. A project could be categorized as an expense or a professional fee. Talk to your accountant about the possibilities of how your corporate video costs can pay for itself.
Make Your Move
In short, are the corporate video costs worth it? Key West Video says ‘Yes!’ You’ll recoup the cost of production in a variety of ways, as discussed in this blog. If you’re ready to talk next steps, give us a call at Key West Video.