

Content Calendars for Social Media

Content Calendars are not the calendars you use to take charge of your social life. In fact, their meant to help you schedule content for your social media. It may feel strange to have a calendar just for content but we’re going to explore its uses further in this post.

content calendar

Why Use Social Media Content Calendar?

Content Calendars allow your business to ensure that only quality content is meeting your audience. It also helps to make sure you’re staying on top of trending topics and creating content that aligns with those topics. The calendar also allows you to develop a unified voice, meet targets, and define goals as a team. What’s great about a social calendar is that you can also organize your workflow and rejig your schedule to fit in with the changing world.

What Does it Include?

Well, there are plenty of templates you can find that will include different things on your social calendar. Typically it will break down all of your social platforms, dates you want to schedule, the copy for the post, relatable hashtags, and the necessary graphics/images. This is a great way to organize your content so you can see what elements are missing, and what can be adjusted. If you’re working on a campaign, you can include the campaign dates and even track your content’s performance later on.

What Can It Help With?

Having a social calendar ensures your managing your social platforms efficiently. It can help you see what content is working and what hasn’t been reaching viewers. It also ensures that you aren’t posting the same thing across your platforms. Depending on which program/system you use you can even schedule your content right from your calendar. Saves you a lot of time copying and pasting!

Do you use a content calendar? Which programs do you use? Leave your content management tips in the calendar!

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