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Meltdown book cover

Last fall, Key West Video was contacted to create a promotional video for the book Meltdown. Here’s a look at how we helped András Tilcsik market his exploration of systems failures.

Strong Start with Meltdown

We begin the video with a pair of positive review quotes for Meltdown. This way, we’re already creating a good association with the material. The background colour used for the intro mimics the bright colour of the book’s jacket. This colour was also used for the lower-thirds in the video, providing overall continuity.

The viewer sees the book Meltdown for the first time a mere fifteen seconds into the piece. This reinforces the subject matter and provides a visual of the product that’s being promoted. We’re also introduced to the author’s collaborator early on in the form of provided b-roll. Although the collaborator wasn’t interviewed, the video is still able to include a nod to him with live footage.

You’ve got the Look

The author is dressed in smart casual clothing. This gives him the air of a relatable authority. Shooting him at home made the setting comfortable and the author believable. Choosing to shoot him behind a podium or another more formal setting would have given the entire video a different feel. The living room setting helps warm the entire piece. We also used two cameras for visual variance and ease of editing.

Stock footage is used throughout to support the case studies the author discusses. Given the breadth of material covered, it made financial sense to use stock. The time and effort it would have taken to shoot original material was unrealistic. Also, by using video rather than stills, the video has a better flow. Even though we used stock footage, it relates to what the author is saying and is a natural fit within the piece.

The Narrative

Key West Video devised interview questions that allowed the author to narrate the video. Tilcsik gives an overall summary of the book’s premise, then provides relatable examples. A story arc is created when the author talks about the issues that inspired the Meltdown book and then goes on to cover some of the solutions found through research.

The End

At the end of the piece, we wrap up with a screen similar to the one shown off the top. There is a series of short superlative quotes that are reactions to Meltdown, plus an award mention. This page reminds viewers that this is a book worth buying. All of this text appears on the same yellow background used at the beginning. Finally, the last shot is a background with the Meltdown book cover, a web address for more information and the publisher’s logo.

If you’d like to promote a book, give us a call at Key West Video and we’ll talk about marketing your work through video.

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