

B2B Digtial Marketing and Video

B2B digital marketing screens

When your business is looking to fill a product or service gap, what do you do? Chances are, you went online and started digging around. In fact, 60% of buyers check out new service providers on social media and short videos and webinars rank among the top five when it comes to preferred forms of content. The point is that more and more, video is how business is done. If you’re going to engage in B2B digital marketing, make sure video is part of your plan.


B2B digital marketing with ecommerce
Video speaks to the e-commerce crowd

E-commerce, or commercial transactions conducted online, is huge business. When 84% of B2B decision-makers say that customers and partners are demanding more from digital, it’s time to get ahead of the curve. If you want a piece of the e-commerce pie, B2B digital marketing is an important part of the equation. Take advantage of the business coming through your online portals with video. Quickly and easily demonstrate or explain your product or service to move people down the sales funnel.

SEO and B2B Digital Marketing

SEO on computer
Search engines favour video on a website

A big part of B2B digital marketing is getting people to your website. Your online presence is an imperative facet of business that showcases your expertise, quality, and solutions. Given that 81% of people perform some type of online research before making a large purchase, you need to make sure you’re ready when they show up.  Make engaging and informative videos that give searchers the information they want in an attractive and easy-to-consume package. Answer the questions they ask most often, show them how you’re going to solve their problem, or demonstrate how your product works. A video that covers any of these points will put you ahead in the B2B digital marketing landscape. One more note: having video on your website will boost your SEO, which means you show up earlier in an online search. Note that  57% of B2B marketers stated that SEO generates more leads than any other marketing initiative

Videos That Work

Wondering what kind of videos gain the most traction for B2B digital marketing? Here are a few ideas:

  • Explainers. A short video that tells an audience who you are and what you do answers a lot of questions.
  • Testimonials. Let your clients sing your praises! When a viewer watches a video that reflects their own situation, your business solution becomes highly relevant.
  • Demos. Sometimes it’s just easier to show than tell. Replace a lot of potentially awkward text with a short video that clearly demonstrates your product or service.
  • Q&A. Pay attention to the feedback you’re getting from customers and potential customers and answer common questions.

Employ Video for B2B Digital Marketing Success

If you’re not already using video for B2B digital marketing, it’s time to embrace a format that works. If you are using video, keep up the good work! Video engagement statistics show that people respond to video with the kind of engagement that leads to sales. Give Key West Video a call today to see how we can help translate your B2B digital marketing efforts into more business.

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