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5 Key Tips for a Corporate Video:

1. Know your purpose and audience.

What is the message you are trying to convey? Driving brand awareness? Launching a new product or service? Showcasing your facilities? It is important to have a solid purpose for your video and strive towards displaying it. In addition, you must know your audience – you probably already know your target client or consumer, so you need to keep them in mind as your target audience. It is important to ensure that your business’ video appeals to them. What will engage and interest your target audience? What do they pay attention to? Chances are you’ve already done a fair bit of research on them so you should have most of this information.

2. Keep it short!

It is crucial that you keep your video short and sweet. The average attention span today is approximately 5 minutes long (many may argue that it’s even less). No matter who your target audience is, it takes them a few seconds to decide whether or not your content is worth watching. Therefore, your video needs to engage them from the very beginning and hopefully be interesting enough to hold their attention to the very end. Unfortunately, this means that you’ve got to pack as much content into a short video without boring or overwhelming your target audience. Here at Keywest, we encourage you to keep your content short. For the most part, we recommend keeping your company profile video between 2 and 3 minutes. However, we also understand that different types of videos require different lengths. For example, in the case of most training videos, we understand that they may need to be longer as more information is included. In this instance, Keywest recommends breaking up training videos into smaller, easy-to-digest modules that are approximately 3 to 5 minutes long each. All in all, it is imperative that you hold the viewer’s attention for the entire duration of the video – a task that is best accomplished with the shortest video possible.

3. Quality is key.

It is very important not to sacrifice quality when it comes to your business’ video as this element can make or break your image. “Production quality includes the visual and audio aspects of your video, as well as the quality of the spokesperson or actor, the story line and the believability of the entire presentation.” Consumers generally have rather high expectations when it comes to quality standards, especially in terms of audio and video mainly because they watch enough high definition television to distinguish between different levels of production quality. Many believe that increasing production quality can only be done by dramatically increasing your budget. However, many professional production companies (including Keywest), can adjust their production services according to your budget by adding or removing elements whilst still maintaining a high quality product.

4. Promote, promote, promote!

Creating this targeted high quality video is absolutely pointless if nobody sees it. Once it is finalized, you need to get it out there and promote, promote, promote! You’ll want to showcase the finished product on your company website and/or blog as well as various social media sites your company belongs to, such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and especially YouTube. The more exposure you get, the better it is for your business.

5. Evaluate your video’s performance.

And finally, there isn’t much point to all that promotion and exposure if you can’t actually measure it. It is important to determine just how much of a difference your video has made and if it was worth it, also helping you to decide whether or not creating another one is a good idea. There are several tools to help you decipher just how many views and shares your video is getting, and which medium is the most successful at promoting your company.

Keywest Video Inc- Corporate Video Blog -5 Tips for an awesome Corporate Video
Keywest Video Inc- Corporate Video Blog -5 Tips for an awesome Corporate Video

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