Case Study:
Peel Halton Apprenticeship Career Connections
Apprenticeship Career Connections hosts an annual event for anyone interested in the skilled trades including, but not limited to, students across the province, unions, as well as employers looking for new employees.
Peel Halton Apprenticeship Career Connections approached Key West Video with high hopes that we would produce a video that would help them showcase their organization to an even broader audience, ensuring that they would receive an even greater outcome.
Before beginning the production process, we knew that it was crucial to understanding the mindset of our target audience. We had to create a video that informed the youth about the lucrative opportunities offered by the trade sector. From that point onwards, we were to produce an informational video that appealed to this particular target audience.
At Key West Video, we have had plenty of experience creating promotional videos. We understand that an individual may become disengaged with a lengthy video; we knew that we would only hold our target audience’s attention by keeping the video short and sweet, but also informative and engaging.
To provide Apprenticeship Career Connections with an accurate visual representation of themselves, we first had to understand their dedication to what they do.
At the beginning of the video, the viewer learns that 2013 marks the fifth year that the Peel Halton Apprenticeship Career Connections has been organizing trade shows. This information earns them some credibility as a consistent organization and also shows their commitment to ensuring that information on skilled trades is accessible to everyone.
After the introduction, the video then delves into explaining the actual purpose of the event: showcasing the opportunities in various businesses so that young people can view this industry as a plausible career path. The speaker’s reasoning is complemented with b-roll footage, adding to the informational as well as engaging qualities of the video. With this, the viewer is now aware of what to expect if they choose to attend the trade show and why attending the trade show would, in fact, be beneficial to them
Next, the video outlines the variety of industries that the trade show has to offer. By showcasing the array of available business opportunities, Peel Halton Apprenticeship Career Connections ensures most viewers that they are more than likely to find something that interests them, thereby motivating them to attend the trade show again in the future. The video also displays those that have already participated in the event, consequently showcasing the trade show’s target market.
The video ends off with an important message: there is going to be a severe shortage of in the future. As a result of this, the video urges us to generate awareness of and ensure that the youth knows of the available options out in the workforce. By closing on this high note, the video is not only summed up, but it also illustrates why exactly it is necessary to create awareness about the skilled trades workforce.