

App Demo Videos

app demo videos

So you made an app? Good for you! Now you need to let people know about it so they can start downloading. You can promote your app on a website, push it on social media, or buy search ads. But one of the fastest and most effective ways to create awareness is with an app demo video.

Why Video Works

Video generates awareness. When it comes to apps, people want to see them in action. You can describe what your app does, but showing how it works enables the viewer to imagine using it. Reading that an app matches paint colour is one thing. But watching a short demo showing you how the app takes a picture, matches your wall colour, and identifies nearby stores that carry your paint is something else. Once you’ve seen the demo, you’ll remember that app when it comes time to put a fresh coat of paint on the living room wall.

app demo videos
Your app stands out with a video demo

Whether a potential customer comes across your app in a search or stumbles on it by accident, a video can lead to conversions. In a search, your product will stand out if it has a video attached. If you’re selling your app on the Apple App Store, take advantage of the app preview option. Google’s Play Store also allows you to include a short video. Use this opportunity to convince the buyer that your app will make their life easier.

App Demo Essentials

The first thing to remember when creating a video for your app is to keep it short. You may only have fifteen seconds to sell your product, so get right to the point. For super short videos, you need that hook that convinces an audience why they can’t live without your app. Tell them what problem you’re solving or how you’re making life easier. When you have a little more time, start with the practical features and navigation. Does your app save the user money? Will it make a commute less dull? Show people how it works with a simple demo. Brand your product and tell the audience where to get it. Ideally, this video is appearing in tandem with an option to buy and download. If not, make sure you tell people how to buy your app with a CTA.

Format and Tone

Choose to make a video that aligns with the spirit and branding of your product. When it comes to a format for your video, both animation and live action work well. Have a look at some existing demo videos to see what you think would work for your app. As for tone, what kind of service are you promoting? If it’s fun and whimsical, use that approach for everything from scripting to music. A financial investment app may call for a more serious tone. Consider your Target Market and what will appeal to them.

App Stats

How many apps have you used today? Here are some numbers illustrating how much we rely on apps.

  • There are 8 million apps in the Google Play store
  • You’ll find 2.2 million in the Apple App Store
  • Total mobile app downloads last year: 197 billion
  • People use an average of 9 apps daily and 30 apps monthly
  • Last year, mobile apps were the source of nearly half of global internet traffic

From Our Files

At Key West Video, we’ve been asked to make a variety of video demos to promote apps. There was the one for parties and events, the one for online investing, and now we’re working on a video for pet services. We also created this demo for Crosslinx.

Let’s Talk

Make video part of your marketing plan to promote an app and see the results for yourself. Boost awareness and conversions by letting your customers know what your app is all about. Call us today for a free quote.

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