Aerial Drones developed initially to carry out military activities, but have evolved to become a big hit in the private sector. In 2016, the Consumer Electronics Association estimated that 700,000 new drones sold to commercial and recreational users in the U.S. It’s projected that North America will lead in the deployment of commercial drones with 1.4 million by 2025. Is all this recreational flying a harmless fad? Or are drones a nuisance?
The Dark Side of Aerial Drones
Aerial Drones can capture video and images without authorization, which can be a problem. Whether it’s paparazzi flying over a celebrity’s private estate or a nosy neighbor looking into your backyard, drones can invade privacy. In the business sector, a drone can steal IP, damage infrastructure, or gather sensitive data.
Others have voiced concerns over public safety and the threat of terrorism. Much like in a military exercise, aerial drones are a remote means of carrying out an attack. They can pose a danger to public buildings, events, and people. It’s one of the reasons drone restrictions do not allow flying over crowds at places like theme parks, concerts, and sporting events.
One law-breaking use for a drone you may not have considered benefits those housed in correctional institutions. That’s right; prisoners are using drones for contraband delivery. At least they’re giving it a go. In early 2017, a drone flew into the Regina Correctional Centre to make a drop-off.
Aerial Drones & Close Calls
Transport Canada says that 1,596 incidents happened involving drones in 2017, and 131 of them posed aviation safety concerns. Although drones cannot fly near airports, pilots have reported incidents and near misses. In October 2017, a drone collided with a plane about three kilometers from Quebec City’s Jean Lesage International Airport.
Not all incidents involve planes. Here are a few more close calls:
- a drone was spotted flying near the White House in 2015
- in February 2016 a drone crashed into the 40th floor of the Empire State Building
- a drone crashed at a nuclear power station in Cape Town, South Africa in 2016
Anti-Drone Technology
Companies have been working on technology to deactivate or stop aerial drones that enter public and private no-fly zones. This technology works by interfering with drone systems that use GPS to navigate and radio signals to transmit video. The protective technology can be built-in by the manufacturer with a geo-mapping system programming restricted zones. There are also external methods employed to safeguard areas looking to ban drones.
Rules & Regulations
As aerial drone use has become more popular, the government has had to react by first creating and then updating rules. The guidelines cover drone size and whether they’re flying for commercial or recreational purposes.
Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re flying an aerial drone for recreational use in Canada. View a full list of rules and regulations here.
- stay at least 30m away from vehicles, vessels and the public
- keep drones at least 5.6 km away from airports
- fly at least 9km away from a natural hazard or disaster area
- don’t operate where you could interfere with police or first responders
- keep your aerial drone within sight at all times
- fly during the day and not in bad weather
- keep your drone within 500 m of yourself
- mark your drone with name, address and telephone number
High-flying Video
At Key West Video, we use our drone strictly to shoot beautiful footage. If you have a facility or piece of property that could benefit from aerial exposure, give us a call and let’s talk about your next video.