

How Brands Can Benefit From Corporate Video Broadcast Commercials

How Brands Can Benefit From Corporate Video Broadcast Commercials

Ever considered marketing your brand through TV broadcast commercials?

Of course, you have. You’re surrounded by commercials every day.

How Brands Can Benefit From Corporate Video Broadcast Commercials
Photo credit: tashalutek via / CC BY-NC

Whether it’s listening to them in your car on the radio, in between podcasts, on TV, or even on YouTube, at some point you’ve been advertised to whether you like it or not.

But what makes all the difference is the platform. While most advertisers are slowly moving away from traditional television, many still find that consumers are still more attracted to visuals just like before. This means that that particular 30-second spot ad might necessarily garner the same attention for a radio ad. It may not even be strong enough for a social media campaign. But it can do well as a standalone video.

That’s where we come in.

As a company with over 20 years of experience in corporate video alone, we take it upon ourselves to understand our clients’ needs. It’s no secret that many large corporations/big-paying companies shell out hundreds of thousands (and sometimes millions) of dollars for TV time. A strong video with the right message and enough audience can leave an invaluable long-lasting impression in the minds of millions.

But what about the little guys?

We’ve also found that there is a growing niche for smaller, start-up brands who are looking to make a name for themselves in the market to fill. One of the best ways to create a name for yourself is to create something authentic and true to who you are. People tend to gravitate towards honesty (which bolsters credibility) just as much as functionality.

Take, for example, the infamous scene in Mad Men’s pilot episode. Don Draper, one of the top ad executives in Manhattan, saves a Lucky Strikes campaign just after the FTC ban on stating cigarettes are good for your health:

Smart corporate companies in competitive markets differentiate themselves by selling their truth in order to build and maintain their customers. Corporate video that reflects that only bolsters their image.

Imagine if corporate video were as big as it is today in the 1950s (aka the ‘Consumer Age’). Companies both big and small would be competing to find out how they can sell their brand to make their customers happy through corporate video commercials. Corporate video would be geared towards a sense of satisfaction. Commercials would be based on how it would make its customers feel, versus how logical the product/service actually was for them.

Now, audiences require more. Commercials, though they can tug on our heartstrings, must reach us in ways that will make sense. Corporate video commercials give both large and small brands the opportunity to separate themselves from the pack, reach larger audiences, and build a narrative around their brand.

When you think about it, there’s no reason to not choose video commercials.

For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today.

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