Thinking of shooting abroad? Don’t forget to be cautious when stepping into uncharted territory.
Whenever anyone travels abroad, it’s always to be mindful of where you’re going and how you can make your trip as smooth as possible.
When it comes to shooting corporate videography/photography abroad, the perimeters become even more strict.
Shooting abroad means doing ample research on the intended place to shoot. Understanding the cultural, political and even literal climate of the country or region is especially essential for shooting a video production abroad. Here we’ve compiled a short list of things to keep in mind when setting out to shoot corporate video abroad:
Here we’ve compiled a short list of things to keep in mind when setting out to shoot corporate video abroad:
1. Legalities Abroad

Pay attention to a country or region’s law when it comes to shooting video or photography in public. The last thing you want is to have your equipment taken away by local authorities because you failed to look at privacy laws prohibiting public shooting. Instead, do a bit of research on the country to find out if open photography is acceptable.
2. Climate

In a previous post, we highlighted how temperate can affect video camera equipment. Stark dips or hikes in extreme temperatures can take a serious toll on your camera. Be sure to understand how to keep your equipment safe in extreme weather.
3. Safety Abroad

A bit of an obvious, but keeping your equipment safe while you travel is probably the most overlooked precaution of them all. Finding somewhere safe to store your equipment is of the utmost importance. Whether it is in a safe or tucked away in a locker, we’d still recommend keeping the most expensive bits of equipment with you at all times. Consistently backing up content onto multiple external hard drives (and then storing them in separate areas) is also another way to ensure the safety of your footage.
Here at Key West Video, we aren’t afraid to travel to get the right corporate video. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today!
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