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Meet dubdub: The Video Production Mobile App

Ever thought you’d be able to edit videos on your phone? dubdub, a new video app, lets you do just that.

dubdub is quickly being ‘dubbed’ as the answer to an indie content creator’s prayers, and rightfully so.

The new video app makes it easy for bloggers and amateur videographers alike to shoot, edit, and share high-quality content of up to 90-seconds. The app touts itself as being able to bypass “long production times and complex editing processes”, according to PRN.

It’s no secret that video editing can be a headache. No matter how passionate an editor you are, there’s no getting around the fact that it can take a long time to cut a video piece. Clients and video editors are often at the mercy of long rendering wait times on non-linear editing platforms such as Avid, Final Cut, and Adobe Premiere Pro.

But not anymore.

The way we consume content is constantly changing. Our generation is constantly on the go, antiquating the tradition of having to sit in front of the television to watch video. We’re even starting to move slowly away from laptops and get more and more into mobile content. Even popular blogs and niche media outlets rely heavily on mobile traffic to drive sales to their sites.

It was only a matter of time before one of the most time-consuming jobs started making the switch to mobile, too.

dubdub influences the way we capture. Now, we’re able to get the content we need as fast as we want. It speaks directly to a culture with an insatiable appetite for attention-grabbing visuals and highly stimulating sounds.

But does it have to potential to put corporate video productions out of business?

Well, the answer isn’t quite so clear-cut.

For one, the quality and resolution of your footage depend on your camera, with most smartphones shooting at around 8 megapixels. Got the latest iPhone 6 Plus? That’s nice. Canon 7D cameras still shoot in 18 megapixels.

It also doesn’t address the issue of music rights when a creator uses sound. It’s assumed that the music provided in-app is cleared to use, but there aren’t any indications in the fine print.

While still relatively new, users are still sinking their toes into this new video editing app. It isn’t certain whether or not it will be the one to stand out in the pack, or join the ranks of the infinite number of other video editing apps.

Here at Key West Video, we create dependable, professional, high-quality video that speaks directly to your audience. Contact us for a quote today!

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