

Video Production Doesn't Have to be Scary

happy Halloween

BOO! It’s that scary time of year when ghosts and goblins have us on edge. But there’s no need to be frightened of video production. We’re here to dispel spooky stories and reveal the tricks and treats of video production that can grow your business.

Isn’t Video Production Expensive?
Don’t be haunted by the thought of high prices

If you’re a business owner, you’re interested in the bottom line. We can relate! Some people assume a video production is outside their budget or that the ROI won’t support the project. Good news: we can tailor a video to your budget. Better news: video works! See our recent blog on all the reasons to be thankful for video. Here’s a teaser: adding video to your website makes a first-page Google result fifty times more likely.

How Long Will it Take?

The two questions we hear most often from prospective clients is How much does it cost? and How long will it take? We can go as big or as small as you like. It can be a simple shoot featuring your product. This can be turned into a fifteen-second spot to attach to your email blast. Or we can orchestrate a multi-day shoot with actors and a variety of locations. We work with your business, your objectives, and your budget. Once we’ve decided together on the parameters, we’ll create a work back schedule. This schedule breaks down the project and clearly illustrates how long the video production will take.

Is it time to hire a Professional Video Production Company?
Our crew of pros will put you at ease

Experience counts. Yes, you can shoot a video on your phone and post it online. But take some time to consider how you want your business represented. Peruse the internet and source some videos you like. See what your competitors have created. If you want a video that speaks to your target market and achieves your goals, use a professional video production company—may we suggest Key West Video?

A professional production house knows video production. They provide services like scripting and will take care of permits and scheduling. A video production company knows how to cast actors and follow regulations such as AODA guidelines. Do some research and look into the projects and clients related to specific video vendors. Then put your trust in the professionals for a great product.

Don’t Get Spooked by the Camera

video production
We’ll make sure you don’t look like this on camera

It’s not uncommon to have a fear of being on camera. We get it. Not everybody is comfortable in the spotlight. However, that’s no reason to avoid making a video. Let us put your mind at ease with a few facts:

Where do I Start?

Hopefully, by now you’re feeling good about the prospect of making a video and working with a professional video production company. And let’s say you’ve signed on to shoot. What’s next? Send us a creative brief if you have one, or we’ll send you a questionnaire that helps give both of us focus and direction for the project. The Key West Video team is ready to guide you through the video production process.

If you’re having trouble deciding what kind of video to make, we have some suggestions. Video production can cover many options, so try starting with an explainer video. This works well on your homepage and tells the customer who you are, what you do, and what you can do for them. It’s more engaging than a text-based ABOUT US page and you can insert your personality into it. Another idea is to share your creation or origin story—this works especially well for small businesses. And viewers LOVE behind-the-scenes videos. Give your customers a peek at how you make those cookies, what your office looks like, or a day in the life of your mascot.

Exorcize Your Fear of Video Production

Unmasking the mystery of video production reveals all the advantages of using it. Contact Key West Video and we can talk you through the process and decide on a format that will work for your business. Now go have a boo-tiful Halloween!

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