Tomorrow is World Environment Day, so today is a good day to talk about Corporate Sustainability Videos. Whether or not you accept global warming, there’s no denying it’s become part of the Zeitgeist. There are books that depict its aftermath, policies that address its wrath and practices that aim to prevent it. Every day, there’s another crusade—don’t use straws! It’s trendy, for sure, but it’s also morally sound to do business in a way that reduces your carbon footprint.
The Pay Off
Let’s talk about the positive business impacts of a video touting your sustainable practices. First off, if you’re making the effort, you may as well get the credit. Letting people know how a company is minimizing its impact on the environment is good PR. A feel-good piece that creates a positive association with your business is a branding tool.
Second, global issues such as climate change, water scarcity, and poor labor conditions affect business. Enacting sustainability practices is about pursuing efficiencies and avoiding stranded assets. It’s forward-thinking, considering environmental changes may impact your bottom line eventually. Rather than waiting until that happens, it’s proactive to address future concerns now. Investing in programs or practices that combat these issues is akin to investing in your business.
Good for the Earth, Good for Business
Corporate Social Responsibility can positively affect a company’s recruiting prospects and customer base. Employees want to work for businesses they feel good about. In a 2015 global survey, Nielsen found that 66 percent of people are willing to pay more for a product that’s sustainably produced. We’re increasingly aware of the environmental perils associated with modern business. Take the opportunity to give customers an option to feel positive about the goods and services they choose.
Act Now
Companies making sustainability a priority have many opportunities to choose Earth-first actions. It’s about awareness. Work with people and partner with companies that share your sustainability values. Offer discounts for vendors and clients who use sustainable practices. Make sustainability part of the company’s value system and lead by example.
Go Green
When your company website has a video on its sustainability page, people are more likely going to look at that than read through your material. So put your good deeds front and centre. Call us today to find out how we can help your company and the Earth look great.