

Why You Need A Good Script For Your Corporate Video

Why You Need A Good Script For Your Corporate Video

One of the things we find that businesses overlook is the driving force of a solid script.

A good script by a strong writer only bolsters your product.

Why You Need A Good Script For Your Corporate Video
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It usually involves some level of research. Whether it’s provided by you, the client, or us, the production company, a certain amount of back and forth is required before the corporate video is complete.

A strong script doesn’t just sell your product. It informs an audience (whether they’re your target or not) about who you are. Think of a corporate video as a brand evangelist; it’s who you are. What you represent. Your core beliefs.

What you say matters.

Your job is to educate your audience on who you are, what you believe, what you value, and why they should pay attention to you.  If your corporate video is written correctly, there should be enough information given so that the viewer is left more informed than when they came in. A well-written script also means that though your viewers are now educated, they’re also intrigued.

Think of the writing in your corporate video as a trailer for a film.

You want to entice them with just enough that they’ll come back for more.  You also want to convince them why they need you in their lives.

A well-written corporate video has a hook. It leaves little room in your audience’s mind as to whether or not they need your product or service. The question isn’t if they’ll buy your product, but when.

A solid corporate video with good writing makes it easier on your talent. If the writing is fun, smart, and easy to follow, it’s a more enjoyable experience for both on-camera talent and the viewer alike.

Here at Key West Video, we work hard to make sure our scripts are top-notch. For more information about our corporate video services, visit our website today!


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