Ajax Social Wipes: combining social media and cleaning products to create a unique, interesting, and useful online advertising campaign.
We all know how it feels to be bombarded by spam in our e-mail and as the years have gone by, spam has slowly weaseled its way into our social media accounts. Users are constantly faced with unwanted likes, posts, and other spam… Ajax Social Wipes offers an online tool that provides users with a way to “Spring Clean” their Facebook and Twitter accounts “with one easy wipe”.
How does it work? First, you need to visit the Ajax Social Wipes Online Marketing Campaign (no longer available) and connect your Facebook or Twitter account to the online tool. The tool then automatically rounds up all the pages or profiles that people have “liked” or “followed” for “spring cleaning”. On Facebook, it aggregates all of your likes onto one page, and lets you search through them or view them by category. You can choose to unlike one or two pages, but you can also select a whole bunch and unlike them all at once. For Twitter, it deletes unwanted spam you’ve come to follow, and cleans up your feed to only regular and existing human beings.
Damian Facciolo, marketing manager at Colgate Palmolive sums up the campaign:
Ajax Social Wipes is a prime example of innovative online advertising and marketing. Unique campaigns like these garner a great deal of attention because they are not only interesting, but useful to audiences as well. What do you think of the campaign? Let Keywest know your thoughts!