

Key West Video Announced as a 2022 National and Local Excellence Award Winner by UpCity!

studio shoot

Corporate video production is a specialized profession, and here at Keywest, it is our only focus.

We know that you need the control, expertise, and knowledge to create and promote outstanding videos; that is why we strive to solve your biggest challenges with amazing video. There are four main stages associated with corporate video production: pre-production, production, post-production, and deliveries.

Stage 1: Pre-production

Firstly, when embarking on a corporate video production, you need to figure out what exactly it is that you need. It’s critical to assess your needs, plan a timeline, identify your audience, and define the scope of your project. Once your needs have been determined, it is time to embark on the creative process. This is the part where concepts are refined and the entire production is planned – everything from location consultations to casting talent and script writing/editing takes place during this stage of your corporate video production. Keywest’s experienced producers can assist with brainstorming ideas and methods that will make your video stand out against its competitors.

Stage 1: Pre-Production
Stage 1: Pre-Production

Before going ahead with your corporate video production, it is crucial to understand how video can help your business. Keywest will work together with you and your team to assess the purpose, target, and effect of your video. By refining all of these details in the pre-production stage, we are able to guarantee a focused finished product that not only exceeds your expectations, but also saves you money.

When it comes to corporate video production, it is crucial to ensure that your video is informative, but also entertaining and captivating to your audience. Many viewers associate terms such as “dull” and “boring: with corporate video production, but it’s important that your project is unique and interesting to the viewer. Luckily, Keywest has a roster of creative professionals who understand the corporate video format. If your annual video needs something more, or if you just need to capture your audience’s attention, let us present an idea that just might transform the way you think about corporate video.

Stage 2: Production

Now that all the planning has taken place, it’s time to get this show on the road. The production stage is all about performance and this is where all of your ideas come to life. During the production stage, it is important to be extremely prepared, well informed, and equipped for shooting. At Keywest, it is our job to make sure that everything runs smoothly, especially during this stage as any mishaps could end up costing unnecessary time and money.

Stage 2: Production
Stage 2: Production

It is important to be alert during the production stage, as there is a great deal at stake during this phase of corporate video production. Locations have been confirmed, talent has been prepped, and the crew is booked. Since there are so many people involved in a single production, it is important that all of the groundwork was laid during the pre-production stages so as to ensure the project goes off without a hitch.  It is important to have a knowledgeable producer on hand as they are the ones you will need to go to in the event of any unforeseen issues. Keywest’s organized and dedicated producers will ensure that the production stage is executed properly and according to schedule.

Stage 3: Post-Production

The post-production stage is literally “where all the magic happens”. This is the stage where everything finally comes together. For live action corporate video production, the editor will sift through the captured footage to create the final video, adding elements such as voice overs, music, titles, colour-correction, audio cleaning, etc. In other cases, motion graphics artists or animators will create the final product during this stage, combining production and post-production, as there is no live action involved.

Stage 3: Post-Production
Stage 3: Post-Production

It is during this post-production stage that Keywest’s clients are able to see the final product come together and provide the editors with their input. Our online file sharing

website helps avoid lengthy approval processes. Once we have cut together something for you to look at, we send you a link to your video, and you simply click, watch, send to others for comments or approval, and then send us your feedback. We then continue this process until you are fully satisfied with the finished product.

Stage 4: Deliveries

The final stage in your corporate video production journey is the delivery stage. Here at Keywest, we are able to accommodate various kinds of deliveries… and best of all, we even backup your entire project on our servers. Some popular formats include:

  • MP4
  • Blu-Ray
  • YouTube
  • Vimeo
  • Embedded Link
  • DVD
  • Quick Time
  • WMV
  • Flash Video
  • Mini-DV
  • Betacam
Stage 4: Deliveries
Stage 4: Deliveries

As you can see, there’s more to corporate video production than what meets the eye. It is important to have a professionally produced video for your business, as its quality is a reflection of your company. Keywest is here to help and our professional producers will make your job easy.

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