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Case Study: artsScene Event/Highlight Video

The Challenge

Business for the Arts came to Keywest looking for a highlight video for their latest artsScene event. artsScene is a network of leading young business professionals who support the arts through volunteerism and patronage.

artsScene‘s mission is to:

  • Inspire interest in the arts.
    Offers unique and meaningful encounters with the arts. Attend a different arts venue on a quarterly basis, from theatre and opera, to ballet and film, preceded by a “Behind the Scenes” encounter with the artists, directors and designers.
  • Deepen engagement in the arts.
    Connects young business professionals to volunteer board and committee positions in the arts with BoardLink.
  • Unite & Strengthen the Next Generation of Business Leaders:
    Employee engagement and building of creative leadership skills is aimed to enhance performance, as well as mentor opportunities with senior business leaders who support the arts.
  • Recognize YP volunteers in the arts.
    Celebrates young business professionals who demonstrate leadership as volunteers in the arts with the Arnold Edinborough Award.

The Solution

Keywest captured artsScene’s latest event at the trendy holt’s café. The final video includes dynamic shots of members mingling and brief snippets of speakers, thereby capturing the true atmosphere of the event. Keywest wanted to ensure that the artsScene event was enticing and interesting – by using candid footage of the actual artsScene members and their conversations, viewers are able to experience a small portion of the event for themselves. The final video depicts artsScene as a great resource for young business professionals. It is a useful and empowering tool for those wanting to support the arts.

Check out Business for the Arts.

Keywest Video - Corporate Video Blog - artsScene
Keywest Video – Corporate Video Blog – artsScene

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