It’s no longer cutting edge to say we live in a digital world—it’s just a fact. Facebook has 2.41 billion monthly active users across the globe. More than 500 million hours of YouTube videos get watched daily. The number of people viewing online videos continues to grow, which means it should already be part of your marketing plan. The good news is that video is more accessible and affordable than ever before. Let’s look at how video can grow a small business.
Super SEO
Video is a great way to spread the word about your business and attract new customers. Research shows that a web page with video is 53 times more likely to rank on the first page of Google. That’s right—video is an invaluable SEO tool. What was once solely the domain of TV has permeated the online realm, including social media. And it’s best to make sure your content is mobile-friendly since mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year. This video created for a small craft brewery in Norfolk County has its presence on the business’s website as it helps customers find a local beer option in Rambling Road.
TIP: Increase SEO rank even more by directly embedding video on a web page (as opposed to a link).
The Attention Web
Video can grow a small business by delivering customers to your website, but what about keeping them there? Placing a video on your website is a smart practice because it holds a visitor on that page twice as long. Have you heard the term “attention web“? In a 2014 article, Tony Haile first talked about the attention web regarding how we measured online success. Rather than measuring page views or clicks, he argued that it was more important—and a better measure of success—to look at how people were engaging with content. The idea is not to just get someone’s attention but to hold onto it. Video reels them in.
Small Business and Testimonials
Sales and marketing videos can work in conjunction to move leads down the sales funnel. Video can grow a small business by first making people aware, then compelling them to find out more, and finally moving them to make a purchase. Viewers are anywhere from 64%-85% more likely to buy after watching a product video. Videos such as testimonials help convince prospects that your product or service is right for them.
The video below promotes a financial service by using a small business owner to talk about their experience. Watching this video, another small business owner can imagine themselves using testimonials with similar success. That’s the power of video.
Video for Your Small Business
Key West Video has worked with a variety of small businesses to help increase awareness and attract consumers to their products and services. From Kickstarter campaigns to launch videos, we work with clients to reach their target market with a clear message. Video is an affordable, effective way to market your small business. Give us a call today to talk about how you can use video to your business advantage.
Key West Video updated this blog post from 2013 with current material.