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Vine and Instagram for your Small Business:

Social media tools like Vine and Instagram allow you to upload short video clips and share them with the world. Learn how Vine and Instagram can help your small business by sharing creative video clips that are short, sweet, and to the point.

First, you’ll need to get up to speed. Although these apps do pretty much the same thing, there are a few differences between Vine and Instagram:

Instagram vs. Vine

The Basics

  • It is important to create these videos and share them with your client base because, even if they aren’t particularly related to some aspect of your business, you’re still putting something out there. People enjoy watching videos as they have a more personal, informal, and fun side than the typical content that businesses have on their social media sites. These videos allow you to showcase a lighthearted side of your business and garner personal connections with your customers. When people feel personally connected to a brand, they’re more likely to follow, like, and friend your business.
  • Vine and Instagram can actually help you with little to no effort on your part. Since they’re both about sharing, commenting, and liking, your clients actually end up doing most of the work. These apps encourage your client to do your marketing for you, especially if you’re a visual-based company because they’re the ones spreading the content for you. Whatever you post on these sites gets passed around by your customer, ultimately expanding your client base.
  • Hashtags are your best friend. If you hashtag correctly, you can drive the right type of clientele to your page. These hashtags can also facilitate direct sales (in the case of businesses selling products) as they allow you to communicate immediately (once you receive a notification) with the customers, and interact on a personal level.

What types of videos can I make?

  • You can create videos to preview your products and/or services. You may choose to create interest with a sneak peek of an upcoming product or service, or showcase it in its entirety. Depending on how efficient your video-making skills are, a short snippet may be the way to go.
  • Create comparisons of products. Use the stop motion features on the apps to help create videos that create comparisons between two products. Now you can show your audience how your product compares in a quick video.
  • Make mini commercials. You may not have the budget to hire a production team and create the grand commercial of your dreams… but you’ve got a phone and an imagination. Why not make mini commercials for your product or service? That’s why Vine and Instagram are great! If you take the time to plan and execute something worth watching, your customers will show their appreciation by passing it on to others.
  • Use videos as announcement tools. Need to spread the word about an upcoming sale or contest? Make a quick and exciting announcement video to spread the word like wildfire. Don’t forget to add all the appropriate hashtags to maximize exposure.
  • Customer testimonials. These are probably the most valuable little videos you can make to help your business. People want to know what other people think of you – so why not show them in a mini testimonial? Show your customers that others are proud clients of yours and willing to tell the world about your business.
  • Company profile snippets. Again, get a little personal with your customers. Show them a mini tour of your facilities, impromptu interviews with your staff, demonstrations of your services, etc.
  • Sometimes, you don’t even have to post a video that’s related to your business; just a cool and interesting clip will still get you the attention you need. Check out this cool video:

What do you think of social media sites like Vine and Instagram? Have you ever used them to promote your business? Tell us about your experience in the comments below!

Keywest Video Inc -Corporate Video Blog -Vine and Instagram for small business
Keywest Video Inc -Corporate Video Blog -Vine and Instagram for small business

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