

Should Your Brand's Corporate Video Have…Comedy?

Should Your Brand's Corporate Video Have...Comedy?

Comedy is such a huge component of our mainstream culture.

But is comedy right for your corporate video?

We’ve talked before about parody video making for corporate companies. We’ve also talked about the importance of creating compelling content for your viewers. But one area that we find companies rarely venturing into is comedy.

Should Your Brand's Corporate Video Have...Comedy?
Photo credit: katie.thomas0214 via / CC BY

It can be encountered in many different forms. We’ve seen standup shows where comedians have us rolling over for hours. We’ve heard comedic radio shows and commercials on our commutes to work. But one area that it’s been consistent in is film and television.

Comedic movies and shows are everywhere. Seinfeld. The Simpsons. The Dave Chappelle Show. You name it. But what about corporate video?

For companies looking for a fresh, new way to grab their audience’s attention, comedic elements in video might just be the way to go. Whether it’s for HR, a campaign, or a commercial, audiences appreciate humour. It shows that your creative team has a personality and cares about your engagement.

A comedic corporate video is a good way to make a statement. It can poke fun at other types of videos or issues in your field. Often intertwined with parody or satire, it is a great way to bring attention to assumptions about your industry or the products you sell.

This kind of video also allows companies to bend the rules of corporate videomaking. You can infuse different types of storytelling, such as speaking directly to the audience (aka breaking the fourth wall) or using comical voiceover over shots. Things like birds chirping, happy music, whimsical employee smiles, and paper planes flying in slow motion are all ideas that have been used in comical corporate video.

Whether it’s to send a message or promote a product, comedic corporate video can set your brand apart from your competition.

Here at Key West Video, we specialize in creating the best, most innovative corporate video there is. For more information about our production services, visit our website today!

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