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What To Do Before Approaching A Corporate Video Production Company

What are some of the ways you can plan your campaign before working with a corporate video production company?

We’re often approached by potential clients who’d like to work with us. Oftentimes, it’s a company or a brand looking to expand their online presence through a video campaign. Sometimes the company is looking to shoot a video tutorial or instructional training material for new employees. And once in awhile, we’re approached by artists, independent clients, or start-up businesses just looking for cool content.

We welcome all of these clients.

For our more popular clients, we’re often in touch with a representative who speaks on behalf of the company. This person delegates the type of content the company is looking for, and ideally, how and when it should be executed. This is crucial for us in setting up a strong pre-production schedule and begin planning.

What To Do Before Approaching A Corporate Video Production Company
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But for those who aren’t large companies or have never hired a production company before, how should you approach us? Here we’ve compiled some ways for us to better service your needs:

1. Have A Few Creative Ideas

When smaller clients approach us with what sort of service they want, it’s incredibly helpful for the client to have some sort of idea about the creative direction they’d like to take. Are they looking to shoot a funny commercial? Is it an indoor or outdoor shoot? Will people be speaking directly to the camera, or will it be a voiceover over the video? What is the tone of the video – cautionary, comical, serious, or light-hearted? Answering all of these questions builds the groundwork for how we can work together.

2. Know What You Can and Cannot Do

This might go without saying, but as a company that may have limited resources, know what’s within your limits. We understand that a lot of clients may not know the ins and outs of budgetary costs when it comes to video production. Having a ballpark figure of how much you’re willing to spend gives us an idea of our creative limits. After all, the last thing we want is a dispute over the overall cost for a video at the last minute. This way, both we and the client can be realistic about expectations when it comes to the final product.

3. Have A Rough Deadline

By no means do you need to have a hard deadline set in place before contacting a production company like Key West. If anything, a rough deadline or timeline for the final product assists us with the planning of the project. This gives us a better idea of how it can be marketed and what logical steps can be taken along the way. A rough deadline gives us an idea of when we can have certain pre-production elements (such as a storyboard or script) done, a shoot date, a rough cut, and a final cut done. It also propels the process by letting us know what kind of project this is (e.g. year-long campaign, 6-month campaign etc.) so we can prepare ourselves.

Here at Key West Video, we service all clients. For more information about the services we provide, visit our website today!

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