

How Curated Content Can Benefit Your Corporate Video

Curated content is a great way to bring together similar concepts and styles for corporate video.

But is curated the way to go? In the simplest of terms, the process of curating content means to sort through large amounts of existing [online] content and bring it together on a single platform. The content can be curated based on themes, aesthetics, styles, colours, shapes, topics, genres, and much more.

How Curated Content Can Benefit Your Corporate Video
Photo credit: via / CC BY

Apps like Spotify and previously Songza were masterful at curated content. By organizing data in a way that pays attention to our listening habits, both apps were able to create curated content playlists based on what we liked to listen to.

Spotify does this every Monday with its Discover Weekly feature.

In a way, Netflix does this as well. Its data reads the kind of content we watch, and “recommends” things to us based on our likes and viewing habits.

The difference, however, with curated content versus content marketing is that curating means organizing existing content on the web, whereas content marketing almost always means generating something new.

For corporate video, this can be especially interesting. Companies are quick to develop entirely new video campaigns when they feel old ones no longer work. But for companies whose brands have remained consistent throughout the years, why not give viewers a taste of nostalgia?

Take, for example, a conglomerate like McDonald’s. It is easily recognizable by its jingle, logo, and smiling faces. We know what it smells, looks, and tastes like. And it’s been around for decades. It wouldn’t be difficult for McDonald’s to release a corporate video of curated content over the years. From its inception to it’s current state, customers would love to see a video that shows facets of how the company has changed. It solidifies the relationship between brand and loyal customer.

When it comes to newer companies, this can take the form of generating new content that complements the brand. Companies must know their demographic, first, in order to generate content curated towards their specific needs. This can take the form of weekly blog posts/articles, editorial emails/newsletters with topics of the week, or even something as simple as an organized Instagram page.

For corporate video specifically, this can take many forms. Companies can curate campaigns based on all the things we love about a brand: from values to colours to themes.

Here at Key West Video, we work with our clients to curate content as best we can to fit their brands. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today.

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