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Should Your Corporate Video Campaign Get Political?

Political times call for political measures.

Or do they? Many corporations have taken to social media to talk about our current political climate.

Should Your Corporate Video Campaign Get Political?
Photo credit: afagen via / CC BY-NC-SA

And while this might at first seem like a good thing, it can (and has) backfired for companies on the wrong side of the political fence.

Just the other day, Uber came under fire for removing surge prices for those around the JFK airport following Trump’s #MuslimBan.

The company saw many deleted accounts from the creation of the #deleteUber hashtag, while their ride-share rival, Lyft, had a field day. Lyft saw an opportunity to take advantage of the Uber’s PR mess, and offered a completely different stance on the situation. The company saw a huge spike in app downloads.

When it comes to corporate video, the difference between what one may call an insensitive video versus a brilliant one is timing. Just recently, Budweiser released a video that caused somewhat of a stir. Claiming that their commercial was not originally intended to make a political statement, the beer company created a video of the trials of a man migrating to America from Germany under rough times. The man isn’t exactly treated nicely upon arrival. That man is Budweiser’s founder, Adolphus Busch.

Though the company claims that there isn’t much else to it other than a historical account of their history, it’s hard not to read the commercial as anything but political, given our current landscape.

What’s interesting to note is how much control those on social media have to bolster or weaken their company image. Being vocal and openly against or support certain political beliefs can either build your brand or tarnish it.

We live in an age where social media has the power to dictate just how much importance we give to a brand. With hashtags and boycotts, we have the ability to destroy support when need be.

It’s why many companies avoid political statements altogether.

While the question of whether or not a company should remain neutral in moments of injustice, it is important to understand what your core values are and how they will resonate with your consumer-base. Then, and only then, should you decide whether that tweet or Facebook post is worth it. Budweiser understood who consumes their product and how this would be interpreted by everyone regardless of their background. Hats off to them.

Here at Key West Video, we work with our clients to help bolster their brands. For more information on the services we provide, visit our website today.

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