We were all there to witness the birth of 4K resolution.
YouTube. Vimeo. TV monitors. You name it. 4K resolution quickly became popular on everything.
The way we viewed content changed so much, and we thought we were given new vision.
Typically operating in 4,000 pixels, 4K (also known as Ultra HD) displays offers a more detailed resolution for various displays such as computer monitors, cameras, TV, and projectors.
For television, it uses a 4096 x 2160 resolution giving us bigger, brighter and less pixelated content. We’ve even heard unverified claims that 4K resolution can make a blind man see.
But imagine the world where, instead of browsing the Internet in a more detailed way, you could create an entirely new reality.
That’s something to get excited for.
The rise of VR (virtual reality) may have dethroned our excitement for 4K resolution when Google Chrome introduced a VR shell. Now to be used online, Google Chrome has rolled out with a new development VR program – Google Daydream – that lets users view VR content through Google Cardboard glasses.

The new, experimental, browser addition will allow its users to experience the Internet in a new way.
According to Mashable.com, the program can be activated by entering “chrome://flags/#enable-vr-shell” in the URL bar. However, it warns that users should be wary; the program is still experimental phase and is not entirely functional.
It seems the way of the future is already here, again. Google’s already reported to have Daydream ready for smartphones, headsets, and controllers.
They’ve even announced that Google Play will have its virtual store where users can download and find new content on. It’s coming to the point where we consumers are technologically spoiled. We’ve been able to experience content in better ways with newer and newer technology. Though VR doesn’t exactly let us into the Internet, it gets us pretty darn close.
Here at Key West Video, we pride ourselves on remaining updated with new and existing technologies. Contact us for a quote today!
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